Robert Fiorentino

Lines drawn, lines crossed

April 22, 2016, by Robert, category Fun

Here are some updates. A few days ago I wrote about the initial escalation, and today things have heated up. I suppose I should be happy that there were no more casualties on my side, but Weez has definitely beefed up her defenses.



She built a wall. And she says she says she’s gonna make me pay for it. Her soldiers have also leveled up their weapons, with Luigi wielding a sword, Mario having upgraded to fire power, and of course the Princess aiming quite a large gun in my direction.



Oddly, they didn’t seem to have time to give Yoshi a proper funeral.

After some discussion with some officemates, we realized that my zombie wouldn’t have died by hangingĀ if we’re going by Walking Dead rules (and he is from the Walking Dead prison). It was generally agreed that his neck would have been snapped and therefore he can’t walk anymore, but he can still bite. So we hoisted him back up. Perhaps his biting mouth can be used in a torture/hostage situation. I hope it doesn’t come to that.



The following morning, I was surprised to find allies have arrived on both sides. Apparently our neighbors are looking to get in on the action. Jack Sparrow appeared on Weezy’s side but I’m not too worried because he’s a Disney property and her whole team is G-rated.



Also joining her side is what I am assuming is a punk unicorn with sunglasses. To quote Buffy, “I’m not exactly shaking in my stylish-yet-affordable boots.”

And what came to aid my team? Oh, just A DRAGON.



Daenerys’ biggest and bestest dragon at that – Drogon himself. While he protects my left side (and protects the zombie who is trying to come to terms with his new immobile existence) my main force is free to begin the siege.




Not wanting to give Weez just one attack to focus on, I have Daryl and the Kingslayer attacking her main gate with a battering ram while Tyrion threatens to go over the walls via siege tower. This is a risky proposition because there has been no violence since the unfortunate death of Yoshi, but now I have officially stepped foot on her territory.

I really hope this can be resolved peacefully. If you are reading this Louise, I am ready to discuss terms of your surrender.

So, what do you think ?